I’m Sorry

I'm sorry
image credits to kayesopinion.blogspot.com –

She perceived what was coming

Hence, she remained dismally unmoving

His calloused hands languidly tucked wisps of her hair

While his soft lips grazed her forehead

He then uttered the words “I’m sorry”

A response written for the Trifecta Writing Challenge. This week we’re asking for exactly 33 of your own words about love gone wrong.  But we’re asking that you not use any of the following words:


28 thoughts on “I’m Sorry

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  1. I enjoyed the images you painted here about his calloused hands and soft lips grazing her forehead. Sometimes sorry can mean so much. Depending on the person using the word. To some people those two words roll off their tongues so easy that it causes any meaning to be lost. Then for others, being able to say, “I’m sorry” is so hard that when they do say it, it means more than anyone can explain. Wonderful piece that makes me think!


  2. Such a great write. These lines are exquisite: His calloused hands languidly tucked wisps of her hair While his soft lips grazed her forehead.


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