Life Goes On

             It’s almost one in the morning, and you’re under your crumpled sheets tossing and turning like the world is about to end. The lack of sleeping hormones in your body right now is giving your bed unbearable tantrums. You could consider its creaking sounds swearing at you for not having an ounce of pity. Lying on... Continue Reading →

You Will Get There.. Eventually

          It's like swallowing Grit when you don't want to lose something but it's already heading to an end. You try to stop that force with all your might but you're slowly losing control. You try to hold on to it, but it is deliberately slipping away from your fingertips. It's... Continue Reading →

Dangerous Love (A Poem)

It was a tethered type of love. It was selfish, it was blind. It was choking and unkind. It was danger and lust combined. It was addicting like aged wine. But it wasn't all mine.A response to Daily Post's Tether

To Hell With This Pride

“To hell with this pride, let if fall like rain from my eyes” Keith Urban “Tonight I Want to Cry”           As my shaky fingers start tapping my keyboard, my body is shivering trying to wrap my head around questions I do not know the answer. There was a time when I thought everything was... Continue Reading →

When The Heart Begs

As she struggled to unshackle herself from the spell of his deceitful eyes, she bowed her heavy head and silently prayed to all the deities. Her mind fazed while her heart howled in desperation, begging the unknown for some answers. Why was it HIM when there was someone better. Someone who would love her more... Continue Reading →

And Then There Was You

                  As I put my phone in my purse, my friend suddenly asked the question “Do you miss him?” I was dumbfounded for a second because I didn’t know how to respond. I was waiting for that piercing feeling in my chest to take over, but it did not happen.... Continue Reading →

Another Year of Awesomeness

          Trying to get my brain cells to construct words for a decent blog post right now is such a daunting task when I’d rather crawl under the covers and binge-watch anime. But because it has been customary for me to rant about “getting a year older” on this particular day... Continue Reading →

Weekly Photo Challenge: Dinnertime

There are days when he feels like he has failed the people whom he has taken care of. Today is one of those days when he feels like he is literally soaked with people's emotions he encountered. It has always been a challenge convincing himself that he cannot fix everybody's problems. Guilt follows him around,... Continue Reading →

P.S. I’m Still Not Over You

            I keep staring at my screen wondering what to write about, contemplating of the possible reasons where the courage to write about you is coming from. There was a time when I thought I finally regained my sanity after losing enormous chunk of it because of you. There was a... Continue Reading →

Not standard issue: unskinny Asian

Featured Image -- 3143Sometimes, exonerating yourself from those self-doubt, low self-esteem, body issues and shame which breed from the type of body you are born with is a must. This is for you to learn to selflessly love yourself and embrace every single flaw you have. Nobody is perfect. It’s just a matter of accepting those imperfections and learning to love every single one of them. This is an inspiring piece written by one of my best friends, and she nailed it. I am proud of you chinguh!!! 🙂


160 lbs (+/-70 kgs), 5 feet 2 inches (158 cm). Those are my current numbers, full disclosure.

I was born with typical attributes associated to being Asian. Small eyes, a not-so-high nose, fair skin and might I say a decent coconut on my shoulders. The only thing missing is having a”chicken bone” frame. My shoulders are broad and I have wider hips than most. I was never a skinny girl, and boy, did I know it.

Then till now, the bullying persists. People still call me “fat.” Everyone from my family to strangers, has something to say about my size. When I was younger the names ranged from oink, to piggy, to broiler (a fat chicken), to balyena (whale); all meaning fat. Now that I am an adult, people try to sugar coat and call me healthy or curvy minus the positivity of those words. I suppose I could say…

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