Rappelling, Swimming and Exploring Bengaongao and Paterno Caves in Ambongdolan, Tublay

      "Love at first sight,” while this phenomenon occurs once or twice in a person’s lifetime, the chance of experiencing this with nature can happen multiple times. I have multiple love affairs with nature and the places I visited in the past. There was that time I fell in love with the mesmerizing... Continue Reading →

Canyoneering in Kawasan Falls, Cebu

               Canyoneering in Kawasan Falls, Badian, Cebu was definitely on my bucket list. The original plan was to go with my cousin and a friend, but I had to cancel my flight going to Cebu on the last minute due to some circumstances. While my cousin continued to torture... Continue Reading →

Rock Climbing in Poog, Cebu

            If you are up for an adrenaline sport while in Cebu, one activity you can add to your itinerary is rock climbing. It will test your personality, tenacity, strength and endurance. Completing one route especially for beginners is a great achievement. You swear. You sweat. You sometimes cry. But... Continue Reading →

Recapping My Benguet Adventures

              Since I've been coping  well dealing with my travel withdrawals, I finally dug my "inspiration box" to write something about my hiking adventures in the Philippines. So, pardon the lengthy Volume of pictures you are about to see. When you are being bombarded by the social media of... Continue Reading →

Weekly Photo Challenge: Landscape

   I have always loved hiking. There is something about nature which gives me the exhilarating feeling of being on top of the word. Literally at times. I am fortunate that I live in British Columbia where beautiful mountains and hiking trails can be found. Since summer is approaching, I cannot wait to start hiking again.... Continue Reading →

Hola! Cancun, Mexico Part 2

The best part about not having an itinerary before visiting a place is the excitement of winging everything. You get to challenge yourself finding answers on your own be it online or asking the locals around the area. Your creativity and resourcefulness materialize as well. We never thought of creating an itinerary before travelling to... Continue Reading →

Frolicking in Cancun, Mexico Part 1

          Travelling becomes liberating as you age through the years. It gives you the freedom of getting to know yourself better and recognizing your potentials and skills when interacting with the people around you. As you gradually learn to survive in a completely foreign environment, this turns into a journey of... Continue Reading →

Getting A Year Older

"By the time I am twenty-five, I am making good money and travelling around the world. By the time I am twenty-eight, I have met my better half and waking up in the middle of the night changing diapers." This was the naive me at fifteen. Yet here I am, sitting on my chair looking out... Continue Reading →

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