Reasons to Love Your “Igorot” Legs

               The fact that most Igorot women have "bigger than average" calves/legs is a given. In case you’re wondering what the Igorots are, they are the indigenous people of the Cordillera region in the Philippines. One trademark of most Igorot women is their "bigger than average" calves/legs. I have... Continue Reading →

When Igorots Unite

To commemorate the Philippine Independence Day, the Filipino community has organized different events for the month of June. One event was the Philippine Independence Day Gala Night and Dance held in Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel on June 13th, 2014. It was a gala night, so most of the crowd were wearing their best, authentic Filipino... Continue Reading →

“I Do”

"Every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you" ----- by Rascal Flatts He stands there, a... Continue Reading →

A Broken Spirit (Three Years Ago)

A piece written when I was suffering from those moments of "moving halfway around the world" three years ago. Man was I depressed or what?LOL January 17, 2010 9:00 pm While she sits in a dark space trying to gather her thoughts, she begins to reckon why living seems never easy, why waking up each... Continue Reading →

The Brother I Never Had

Philippines, you have disappointed me once again. An innocent, young soul who deserved a long-lasting existence more than your crook government officials had sacrificed his life and is now gone forever. Your idiotic Zamboanga siege has given me another profound reason to condemn your government and to continuously denounce your politicians as morally corrupt pigs... Continue Reading →

The Land of Besao

         A small, unpretentious town somewhere in the mountains of the Cordillera region in the Philippines garnished with lush forestry in full bloom, untainted rivers, magnificent, rice terraces, invigorating breeze of air, amiable folks, and well-maintained neighborhoods. This is just a description of my hometown, Besao, a half hour drive from Sagada... Continue Reading →

Proud to be an Igorot

The phrase “proud to be an Igorot” is becoming cliché, but I’m going to virtually shout it anyway. I am an Igorot, and I’m proud to be labelled as one. My “Igorot” blood epitomizes my tenacious character, mirrors my unique physical features, and reflects my resilient personality. This is who I am and what I will be... Continue Reading →

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